Step 1: Download the MinVerChk.rar (from the link provided above) and extract the .pup file using WinRar. Step 2: Put the PS3UPDAT.PUP onto the USB Flash Drive in the PS3/UPDATE/ folder. Now that iOS 13 supports Xbox One and PS4 controllers, is there really still a market for MFi accessories? Newest Downloads. pkmn-chest. A Pokémon Discover and Discuss everything about PS4 Mods, Cheats & Customizations within this forum. Toggle Navigation. Home PS4 1.76 DUMP Img + PS4_Dev Dumps Downloads by eXtreme Started by Hydrogen, 10-22-2016 04:56 AM. Views: 1,129 New/Cloned PS4 PUP Extractor by J0lama, 1.76 Modded Trophies claimed by J0lama? Started by Hydrogen,
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